Teach & Learn English

60 Pages
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Recommended Resource: Grammar is a set of rules and guidelines to help you use language correctly. Teach students how to express themselves better. Suitable for ESL Students.

Content: Understand the use of capital letters, the eight different parts of speech, Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection or Exclamation, Homophone, Antonym, Synonym, Preposition.

Learn how a comma is used to mark a brief pause, much shorter than a pause made by a full stop and how it can be used to separate two words or groups of words in a sentence in order to make the meaning clear.

Improve correct word usage and build upon Principal Parts of Common Irregular Verbs, question marks, silent letters, singular and plural, words with hyphens, and Latin words.