Literacy Skills

113 Pages
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Student + FREE Teacher Manual

Literacy Skills for Growing Minds

Who is it for?

The learner workbook was specifically written with the learner (whose language is not English) in mind. Immigrants, refugees, Indigenous, and even learners with learning disabilities such as autism were kept in mind while writing these worksheets. Basically, any learner who wishes to improve on some very basic English language skills would benefit from this workbook. It would be easier if there is a teacher present who can explain some processes therefore I have provided the teacher manual to help those who want to help other J

What age group is it for?

Like I said, the workbook can be for any age if their first language is not English. It is the basics of the basics for adult learners while it may be challenging for younger learners.

The How to Manual will provide you with a general idea of how to use the worksheets found in the student workbook English Literacy for Growing Minds

Each How To worksheet is covered with a description of what the student should do. General extra suggested ideas and activities are also found on some of these pages although not necessary to complete. These are optional as an extra activity and could enhance student learning.

An image is shown on each How To page which corresponds to the student worksheet to complete.

No allotted time has been set to complete each worksheet as students all learn at a different rate and setting time limits can cause unnecessary stress for some learners. However, if you are bound to a time schedule then of course you would need to set your own time limit according to what you believe is an adequate amount of time for the student to complete the worksheet.

Learners can complete these worksheets on their own or you may form pairs to help slower learners take advantage of a fellow student’s ability to help him or her with the tasks set before them.

Although some worksheets may seem simple, it is your responsibility to build upon each worksheet by explaining what students are going to learn and how this will benefit them in every day life. Pronunciation is important and it is expected that you will pronounce the words correctly in English so that learners will have the full benefit from these exercises.