Bridging the Learning Gap

50 Pages
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Bridging the learning gap comprises of six, 90 minutes, fun English grammar lessons using paper, oral and Internet based methods. These simple, effective lessons are easy to follow, step by step instructional activities for primary school students. Ideal for teachers, or parents, who wish to teach or re-enforce some basic grammar.

Mix auditory, visual and hands-on techniques to improve and build upon children's weaknesses or skill gaps rather than sticking to one method only. Thoroughly tested on numerous students between the ages six and fourteen. Use the lessons over six days, six weeks or incorporate two lessons in one week. It is totally flexible to suit your teaching schedule.

Age Group: Middle to Upper Primary School

Content: What is grammar? Parts of speech - nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections. Flash cards. Review 'grammar flash cards'. Capital letters & flash cards. Story reading with corresponding 'capital letters' worksheets. Internet. Review 'parts of speech' & 'capital letters'. Introduction of spelling and dictionary usage with corresponding worksheets. Singular and plural rules with corresponding worksheets. Introduction of commas - question marks & exclamation marks. Story reading, oral comprehension using the Internet.

Bridging the Learning Gap Contents

Lesson Plan 1

What is grammar? Parts of speech - nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections. Flash cards.

Lesson Plan 2

Review 'grammar flash cards'. Capital letters & flash cards. Story reading with corresponding 'capital letters' worksheets. Internet.

Lesson Plan 3

Review 'parts of speech' & 'capital letters'. Introduction of spelling and dictionary usage with corresponding worksheets.

Lesson Plan 4

Review 'parts of speech' & 'capital letters'. Singular and plural rules with corresponding worksheets.

Lesson Plan 5

Review 'parts of speech'. Introduction of commas - question marks & exclamation marks.

Lesson Plan 6

Review lessons 1 - 5 with complementing fun activities. Story reading, oral comprehension using the Internet.